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Diamonds of Brazil

A Vision for the Global Harvest
BookBabyerschienen am01.07.2019
'Diamonds' is a compelling read about the end-time clash between absolute evil and resplendent righteousness. Through the vivid styling of a storyteller, 'Diamonds' will lead you on a prophetic journey, encountering valiant lion men, worshiping eagles, horrendous demons, sinister strongholds, heroic green warriors, and the supreme commander Himself. Travel through a valley erupting with epic battle scenes, unthinkable horrors, and unadulterated goodness. Witness the church in her struggle against worldly seduction and the clutches of dead religion. And see her in her finest hour, as she joins the quest to unearth the precious diamonds and discover the King's heart.Fast-paced and packed with life transforming wisdom and revelation, this is a must-read for all believers... a word capable of navigating the church through the present maze and into massive global reformation that will usher in the Greatest Harvest!

Editor Victoria Doulos York is a published author and longtime member of Provision International. Check out her blog at, where she shares her thoughts about prayer, discipleship, and Christ-centered fearlessness.


Klappentext'Diamonds' is a compelling read about the end-time clash between absolute evil and resplendent righteousness. Through the vivid styling of a storyteller, 'Diamonds' will lead you on a prophetic journey, encountering valiant lion men, worshiping eagles, horrendous demons, sinister strongholds, heroic green warriors, and the supreme commander Himself. Travel through a valley erupting with epic battle scenes, unthinkable horrors, and unadulterated goodness. Witness the church in her struggle against worldly seduction and the clutches of dead religion. And see her in her finest hour, as she joins the quest to unearth the precious diamonds and discover the King's heart.Fast-paced and packed with life transforming wisdom and revelation, this is a must-read for all believers... a word capable of navigating the church through the present maze and into massive global reformation that will usher in the Greatest Harvest!

Editor Victoria Doulos York is a published author and longtime member of Provision International. Check out her blog at, where she shares her thoughts about prayer, discipleship, and Christ-centered fearlessness.
Weitere ISBN/GTIN9781543968392




A Lifeless Army

Now, as we settled into our flight to São Paulo, I noticed we were surrounded by at least twenty young men wearing suits and ties and sporting similar short haircuts. Though I knew they were not military personnel, they had that sort of look. They were all young-probably between 18 and 25-and were bursting with the potential of youth. They were obviously energized about the adventure upon which they were embarking. Although they were well-dressed and seemed educated and disciplined, I felt a bizarre sense of heaviness just being near them.

I studied the young men further. Even though they looked sharp outwardly, there was something missing. . . something wrong. They were perusing magazines and books and talking among themselves, yet they all seemed hollow, empty, and lifeless. I discerned a spirit of death upon them. I could almost smell the stench, and it sickened my stomach. I finally leaned across the aisle to one of my team members, who was sitting behind a group of the young men, and asked, Who are these guys?

My friend informed me that they belonged to a particular cult that originated in America and is aggressively spreading into the nations. They were just beginning a two-year mission trip to Brazil. As I settled again into my seat, I realized we were already seeing signs of the fierce battle that was raging over that nation. The enemy was clearly wasting no time in raising up and sending in his missionaries. From the very outset of this trip, the Lord was showing me that Satan and his armies were on the move and aggressively marching against this country.

Although I know full well that the devil´s purpose is to inflict injury, deception and destruction upon all humankind, I couldn´t help speculate about what, exactly, he wanted with Brazil. What could be of such great value to him in this sub-equatorial, third world nation? I wondered. I was to find out the answer to this question as the vision that had begun the previous week continued during the first part of our trip.

One thing I have learned well during my Christian walk and struggle against sin is that demonic authorities are unrelenting strategists. The Bible tells us we are not to be ignorant of Satan´s schemes (2 Cor. 2:11) and that our enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour
(1 Pet. 5:8).

Satan and his demonic henchmen have known nothing but war since their failed mutiny in heaven and ensuing banishment to earth. They know their time is short, so they are working overtime, trying to bring about the ultimate demise of humankind.

But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short (Rev. 12:12).

What you are about to read is my attempt to record the vision and interpretation that I received on behalf of the nation of Brazil. I believe it offers insight into the reason the enemy is fighting so furiously for the full control and ultimate destruction of this nation and its people. I also believe with all my heart that this vision is from the Lord. If I didn´t believe this, I would not have gone through the pains of writing this. I´m not a writer in the traditional sense of the word; this was a labor of love for me. In order to write, I have to wait for the inspiration of the Holy Spirit; many times, I must wait for the waves of revelation to literally wash over me. Also, the Lord seems to take His time with me in order to make sure that I first live many things before releasing me to write about spiritual matters. I have come to understand that a word or vision like the one you are about to read is many years in the making.

For the most part, this word was given to me during the first part of January 2003, before and during our trip to Brazil. Other portions were revealed to me as we lived and walked out certain parts of the revelation. The final inspiration that was needed to record the vision in written form came during a 30-day trip with my family to a beach home on the oceanfront of João Pessoa. The Lord had spoken to us profoundly about the northeast region of Brazil, so the setting was appropriate and conducive to my receiving the conclusion of the vision.

I encourage everyone to test the following word. Before you accept it, examine it by means of the Word of God and the voice of the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit.

Before we dive into the vision, allow me to interject some important information for the sake of clarity. When I speak about the Lord, especially when engaged in the vision, I am referring to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is both the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Jesus. Jesus said,

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come
(John 16:13).

When I experience open visions and trances (during the daytime) and dreams (at night), the Holy Spirit is often right by my side, leading me like a heavenly tour guide. Interestingly, He is usually on my right-hand side and within me at the same time. He converses with me whenever He desires, and many times He responds directly when I ask Him for clarification, explanation, or additional information.

I hope and pray that this vision and its interpretation will be instrumental in destroying the works of the devil that stand between the Brazilian Church and her high calling in Christ Jesus. May it assist in inspiring and liberating the Brazilian Church to walk in the fullness of her God-given destiny and purpose. I also pray that this writing will be a spiritual catalyst that ignites a worldwide harvest of souls that will come out of thick darkness and into God´s kingdom of light.

My ultimate prayer as I write this vision is that the diamonds of Brazil will be found on earth and will become the treasures of heaven!

The Parade of Nations:
The Vision Begins

I saw a great and colorful parade moving toward me at a swift pace. It was an extraordinary sight-a conglomeration of music, merriment, and festivity-and absolutely breathtaking to behold. It was wonderful! The parade consisted of people of every tribe and tongue, dressed in a rich array of colors and international fashions that displayed the diversity and multiplicity of their cultures. A vast collection of multicolored flags and banners of all shapes and sizes was being waved with much exuberance. The people carried and played musical instruments from all over the world. Intrigued, I watched as the unique ethnic expressions of each group were manifested through song, dance, and celebration.

The lively parade, which was comprised of a tremendous range of culturally diverse sounds and sights, continued as far as the eye could see. Then it hit me: all the festivities and celebrations of this vast array of people were the sounds and sights of worship! This multitude was worshiping the King-the King of Nations! The Lord Himself! At this realization, my heart jumped, and I became even more excited about what I was beholding.

I asked the Lord, What is this I´m seeing? He answered, This is the Parade of Nations. He paused for a moment, and then, in an affectionate tone that sounded much like a whisper, He said, This is My Parade. . . . This is My Church.

What I saw next absolutely amazed me: at the front of this great parade consisting of all nations were the Brazilians. They were leading the way! (There were a couple other nations near the front with them, but I could not see who they were. I was only allowed to identify the Brazilians.)

Is this correct? I asked the Lord. Am I seeing this accurately? Are the Brazilians really at the front of this grand parade?

The Lord assured me, Yes, you are seeing correctly. The Brazilians are at the forefront of My parade. This was very fascinating to me. Of the hundreds of Nations represented, Brazil had been granted a position at the front of the line. I grew very curious and began to wonder how they had obtained this privileged position. I thought it might be due to alphabetical sequencing or something else. I knew there had to be a good reason why the Lord had revealed this to me, so I did what I have learned to do: I inquired of the Lord. Tell me, Lord, why are Brazilians at the front of the parade? I asked.

Zeal and Humility

The Lord immediately answered, Because of their great zeal for Me and their humility, I have placed them at the front, and they have been given a lead role. Watch them closely now, and you will see firsthand why I have chosen them for this place of honor. I have been preparing them for this lead position because they will bear My Standard.

I watched as the Brazilians worshiped the Lord. They danced and sang and waved banners and flags to the Lord with all their hearts. Their enthusiasm was contagious as their glorious adoration and celebration rose like a fragrant offering to King Jesus. I was seeing a corporate passion and zeal for the Lord that I had seen before in only a few individuals. They were ablaze with love for the Lord! This kind of passion and spiritual hunger is rare, and I certainly had never seen it poured out corporately to this degree.

The people´s worship wasn´t for performance´s sake....