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Kitty Peck and the Child of Ill Fortune

TaschenbuchKartoniert, Paperback
416 Seiten
Faber & Fabererschienen am02.07.2015
A fast-paced historical mystery with breath-taking twists and turns that takes us from the bohemian world of late 19th-Century Paris to a deadly secret at the heart of the British Empire.March 1881, London's East End.mehr
Verfügbare Formate
TaschenbuchKartoniert, Paperback
E-BookEPUBePub WasserzeichenE-Book


KlappentextA fast-paced historical mystery with breath-taking twists and turns that takes us from the bohemian world of late 19th-Century Paris to a deadly secret at the heart of the British Empire.March 1881, London's East End.
EinbandartKartoniert, Paperback
Seiten416 Seiten
Gewicht324 g


Griffin's authentic depiction of both the period and environs of Victorian London, you cannot help but be completely immersed in the penny dreadful atmosphere of the novel ... Tremendous fun. Crime Fiction Lovermehr


Griffin, Kate

Kate Griffin's first book Kitty Peck and the Music Hall Murders won the Faber/Stylist crime competition and was shortlisted for a CWA dagger. This is her third novel featuring Kitty Peck. Kate works for The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings and lives just outside London., Kate Griffin was born within the sound of Bow bells, making her a true-born cockney. She has worked as an assistant to an antiques dealer, a journalist for local newspapers and most recently for The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings.

Kitty Peck and the Music Hall Murders, Kate's first book, won the Stylist / Faber crime writing competition. Kate's maternal family lived in Victorian Limehouse. One of the inspirations for the series came from tales of life round the London docks told by her grandmother. Kate lives in St Albans.

Griffin, Kate

Kate Griffin was born within the sound of Bow bells, making her a true-born cockney. She has worked as an assistant to an antiques dealer, a journalist for local newspapers and most recently for The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings.

Kitty Peck and the Music Hall Murders, Kate's first book, won the Stylist / Faber crime writing competition. Kate's maternal family lived in Victorian Limehouse. One of the inspirations for the series came from tales of life round the London docks told by her grandmother. Kate lives in St Albans.